1. Developing Alternative Technology Solution
We research and develop alternative technology solutions to the problems caused by the energy crisis and by climate change. We then take these solutions and share them with the public and specifically the third world. Our society has become desperately dependent on fossil fuels. These fossil fuels will not last forever, and they are destroying the world we depend on for survival. We believe alternative technology is an essential part of the solution to the world’s energy and environmental problems.
2. Equipping the Third World
We supply resources and education for other NGOs who are working to reduce poverty in the third world. We also invite individuals from third world countries to come and volunteer at the AT Center while living in The Dandelion Community. We support these individuals financially and give them the skills they will need to build and use alternative technology in their home country. Our technology is appropriate, intermediate technology. It is designed in such a way that it can be built and used in the third world. We resonate with those who are advocating for human scale development. We want to aid the third world in pursuing sustainable development that is not dependent on fossil fuels.
3. Empowering through Education
We educate people from all walks of life, including alternative school students, NGO personnel, government officials, back-to-the-landers, and environmental activists. We run 7 different alternative energy workshops along with several renewable energy camps. We empower participants to be able to build and use the alternative energy solutions that we have researched and developed.