Our Philosophy

Creating a Sustainable Village     
Our dream is to build an ecovillage in rural Korea that is self-sufficient in terms of economics, energy, food production, education, and everything else a village needs. Rural communities in Korea and around the world have been robbed of much of their culture, history, and opportunities in modern times. Where before people worked together and helped each other to meet the demands of agricultural life, now they work independently using expensive, fossil-fuel devouring machines. Where before young people saw rural life as a viable option, now they almost all take their talents and skills to the cities. The AT Center wants to bring businesses, young people, and resources back into rural areas. We want to create a community where people help each other, live together, and share resources. Around the world the Ecovillage Movement is working hard to make its voice heard. We deeply resonate with that voice.  

Exploring Social Business
We are exploring a new style of business. Modern society has produced businesses and people that are only concerned with making more and more money. The AT Center wants to advocate for a new kind of business model, the Social Business model. Using this model, the businesses in our self-sufficient village will endeavor to make money with a larger social purpose in mind. They will use the money they make to support themselves and their families, but also to support efforts around the world to address social concerns like reducing poverty, promoting alternative technology, and pursuing holistic development. We want to reunite practical business skills with moral concern for the social needs in our world. 

Promoting a Voluntary Simple Lifestyle 

We do not want to just treat the symptoms of the energy crisis. We want to get to the root of the problems. We want to make changes that are holistic and sustainable. Thus we are not only introducing new technology. We are also advocating for a simpler lifestyle. Human beings cannot maintain their luxurious lifestyles if they want to live sustainably. Alternative technology is needed but so is a change in the way we live our lives.